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We understand that self-identification can be a sensitive matter. We value your privacy, and filling this out is completely optional. The information you provide is confidential and will only be used to help us measure our efforts.
CareerCircle will share certain information about you with your referring organization; including but not limited to whether you are enrolled in courses through CareerCircle, your completion status of courses offered by CareerCircle, and whether you completed your resume through CareerCircle.

At CareerCircle Our Focus Is You

We are passionate about creating a community where people can access the educational training they need to prepare for the role they want. CareerCircle is committed to partnering with you on this journey to help grow your skills, grow your circle, grow your career!

CareerCircle will help increase your ability to be marketed to recruiters and potential employers, with an emphasis on acquired skills and performance, versus limited work history or listed resume experience. 

Join our community and take the first step in your journey to a better career!