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How to Uncover the Hidden Soft Skills You Already Own

white background with blue text with the image of a person drawing a womans face in charcoal with the heading "The Intangibles: How to Show off Skills Employers Might Usually Miss"


Tags: Skills-Based Hiring, Find a Job, Interviewing, Resume Prep

One of the most important things you can show off to potential employers are the skills and traits that prove that you’re more than just qualified on paper,

Upskilling in Progress: 3 Steps For Highlighting Your Proactivity Before You’re Fully Certified

Image of a group of people building a barn with text in blue that says "Upskilling In Progress: Methods for Highlighting your Proactivity Before You’re Fully Certified"


Tags: Find a Job, Upskilling

The perfect position doesn’t always come at the right time. Sometimes, we may not be as “ready” on paper as we’d like to be for the application process. But for those who are either currently in the process of, or about to embark on, the upskilling journey, there are ways to approach this position with confidence and use your current situation to your advantage.

Creating CareerCircle

"Rethink Qualified" graphic


Tags: Find a Job

In 2018, we launched CareerCircle as a means to bridge the skills gaps and help underserved people find jobs. It isn’t enough to promote equality in the job market, we have to actively seek out and advocate for people with the right soft skills and passion, and give them access to the technical training they need to get hired.