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Crafting Your Story: A Guide to Effective Resume Writing

Crafting Your Story: A Guide to Effective Resume Writing



Frame your unique experiences as powerful assets, demonstrating to potential employers the diverse strengths and perspectives you bring. A good resume should tell your story and highlight the distinct perspective of your journey.

The Employer's Guide to Navigating Virtual Career Fairs

text reads virtual career fair best practices for employers with an illustration of a black woman sitting at a computer


Tags: Find Your Next Hire, Talent Sourcing and Discovery, Virtual Career Fairs

If you’re looking to land top-notch talent and you're interested in bringing diversity to your team, a virtual career fair could be just what you need. Check out our guide to nail your preparation and make the most of your next virtual recruitment event.

Ready, Set, Succeed: 29 Tips for Your First Virtual Career Fair

text on image reads 29 jobseeker tips for virtual career fairs with an illustration of a black woman in a computer waving to others


Tags: Talent Sourcing and Discovery, Upskilling, Diverse Talent Pipeline, Virtual Career Fairs

Whether you’re a mother seeking re-entry into the workforce or a veteran returning to the private sector, these virtual career fairs provide a valuable chance to perfect your interviewing skills, boost your career prospects, and discover fresh opportunities.