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Sourcing Diverse Talent With Virtual Career Fairs

computer image with headline that says hiring made simple, sourcing diverse talent pipelines with virtual career fairs


Tags: Accessibility Advocacy, Talent Sourcing and Discovery, Diverse Talent Pipeline, Virtual Career Fairs

For businesses, Virtual Career Fairs are a smart way to reach talent, save money, boost diversity, and put skills first. Virtual fairs equip organizations with tools to stay ahead of the curve in talent acquisition, preventing issues such as skill gaps, high turnover, and the scramble for last-minute hires that often arise from merely reacting to market trends instead of anticipating them.

What Our Members Are Saying

people's images in circles in greyscale on a light blue background


Tags: CareerCircle Member Stories

Here at CareerCircle, our goal is to change the technology industry for the better by making it more diverse and inclusive. We get there by impacting individual lives like the ones in this post.

What Is CareerCircle?

blue background with black question marks with careercircle logo in the middle


Tags: Find Your Next Hire, Find a Job

Our platform has been growing every day and in 2023 we have become the exclusive jobs platform for US-based Google Career Certificate graduates and the Google Employer Consortium, reached over 100,000 members, placed over 1,500 people into new jobs, and, by the end of the year, we will have helped to upskill more than 10,000 people.