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How to Write an Impactful Experience Summary

text reads: Learn how to write an impactful experience summary with an illustrated image of a wrench and a pencil


Tags: Find a Job, Resume Prep

In this blog post, we’re going to take you through what makes an effective experience summary and the 3 step framework you can follow to write your own.

Finding Confidence in the Face of Change: A CareerCircle Career Journey

text reads: finding confidence in the face of change, and features a black woman on a white background, framed by red and blue lines


Tags: Career Stories

“Don’t be afraid of change. Don’t count yourself out just because you don’t have the experience or you think you’ll mess up. If you have the opportunity to make a change and try something new and it appeals to you, do it.”

Saying Yes to a Different Path: A CareerCircle Career Journey

text reads: career journey, the power of saying yest to new opportunities and features a white woman with blond hair on a  blue background


Tags: Career Stories

Don’t underestimate how much satisfaction can come from knowing who you are and what you want out of your role…even if it means moving around.